Hello there. I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving break.
This week, we will continue our journey through the NE Region. Kids will get into groups and use the ipads to do some research on their assigned state. Then, we will share those findings out with the rest of the class. In doing so, we will look for things that this region has in common and what makes it so unique from others.
We will also continue on with our MT History studies. I would like to end the basic facts unit, and move into the more "history" units. How did we even become a state? Well, that is a long story! We will take it one time period at a time, starting with how the American Indian's live's changed when Europeans' came over from England. Many, many effects on this culture.
I graded the kids' MT History notebooks over the break. We will be having a serious, serious talk about my expectations when it comes to those. We build these together, me modeling up on the screen where things should go, what to write, and what to do. Kids need to pay attention to those expectations. They are not allowed to just put things on whatever page they want or wherever they want. There is a system to make it flow smoothly. Many, have their notebooks totally out of order. From this point on, they need to do it the right way. Again, we will be talking seriously about this on Monday. Part of their grade on these notebooks are to do it with effort and neatness. 4th grade quality is expected on every single page. Those that don't finish in class, are expected to finish before the next class. They can do it!!!!! I totally BELIEVE in them.
Have a great weekend.
Next Post: Monday, Dec. 2nd.